2022 garden tour and Plant Swap
Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 2pm to 5pm - FREE!
SPB and the Natural Resources and Environmental Commission (NREC) will showcase two gardens irrigated with greywater. Greywater systems utilize a toggle valve to redirect greywater (water used for washing purposes: laundry, handwashing, showering, and bathing) from going into the sewer and instead recycles it into an irrigation system. To increase your home’s sustainability, recycling usable water is something to seriously consider. Installing a greywater system means you’ll conserve water and reduce your monthly utility bills, all while providing valuable nutrients to your lawn and garden.
The Plant Swap will be located at the Community Garden - 1028 Magnolia Street
We are happy to announce that we will be hosting a Plant Swap during the Garden Tour.
Bring a plant, take a plant! Please bring your plant in a pot and label it. People always ask us what the plant is and we don't always know! Please do not bring an armload of cuttings, as most tend to end up in the green waste bin. We are looking forward to seeing what everyone brings!
1017 Oliver Street
The house on Oliver Street boasts a beautiful garden showcasing a multitude of ways you can make your home sustainable. Here you will see a laundry-to-landscape greywater system, a branch-drain greywater system, a permeable paved driveway, solar panels, a rainwater catchment system, vermicomposting bins and a vegetable garden.
Did you know that fruit trees and larger plants thrive on greywater? This laundry-to-landscape system irrigates banana trees, coffee trees, a finger lime tree, a moringa sapling, a small guava bush and several salvia plants. The gravity based, branch drain system connects the kitchen sink to irrigate a happy kumquat tree.
The vermicomposting bins let the worms do all of the work of composting the family's organic food waste and provides nutritious castings for the fruit trees and vegetable garden. This hand-made, 2 bin system allows the family to compost all food scraps. Information on how to build your own bins and maintain them will be provided.
451 Prospect Circle
The landscape was installed in early 2017 after an extensive remodel to the home. The family desired a Mediterranean landscape that integrated nicely with their Hacienda-style home. Sustainability was an important goal for the family. In addition to no lawn and drought tolerant plantings, there is a greywater system that feeds their citrus trees, berry trellis and hedges. A kitchen garden with four raised planters allows them to plant seasonal vegetables and herbs. The front and back courtyards, pool/spa and sunken outdoor movie area provide multiple entertainment areas for all ages of guests. The garden includes mature citrus & olive trees, a bottle tree, native oaks and an apple tree, all of which were preserved during construction. A wide variety of native and non-native succulents, cacti and flowering shrubs and groundcovers complete the garden. Amy Davis Jones designed the garden.
Past Events
1017 Oliver Street
451 Prospect Circle
451 Prospect Circle