South Pasadena Beautiful is researching community interest for the beautification of one of the blocks of the Edison utility easement right-of-way corridor. Initially we are considering the block between Mission and Oxley as that is the most visible block of the easement, with one side of the street having the houses front yards facing directly to the easement. While all other blocks are positioned between backyards, we are open to considering other sections of the easement instead if residents champion for it!

SPB is seeking approval from the residents adjacent to the easement, the City and Edison to transform this neglected area into a green corridor which would ultimately potentially include a walk/bike path and/or showcase native plants. This project would increase beauty and public safety in the impacted block while modeling ideas for sustainable gardens.  There is a mention of the desire for this project in the City Plan (pages 20, 36, 37, 89 and 127). This project is in its early stages and SPB would only be able to pursue it if residents adjacent to the site, the city and Edison approve it, and if they approve a plan that is financially viable.

The first phase of the project would potentially include some of the following: removal of the chain-link gates, removal of trash, application of weed barrier and mulch and the installation of a cost-efficient walk/bike path.  Phase two includes the installation of a native plant demonstration garden. The plans will be adjusted based on residents input.

Funding for the project would come from monetary donations to SPB from members of the community, and the implementation would leverage a mix of volunteers and contracted work. We estimate the total budget for phase 1 to be in the ballpark of US$80,000.00 max if all the listed ideas are pursued and depending on which block of the easement we choose for the project.

Before beginning any work, SPB will engage with residents adjacent to the easement to get their support and adjust the plan to address any concerns. SPB is also contacting the City of South Pasadena and Edison to understand their requirements for any renovation to the site.

South Pasadena hopes this is the starting point to get the community thinking about the whole easement corridor, which connects Garfield Park to Huntington Drive passing through South Pasadena Middle School. 

In total the easement corridor runs:

  • 5 Blocks between Mission and Bank

  • 3 Blocks between Oak and Huntington 

  • Total of 8 Blocks - approx 1 mile of path

Easement corridor highlighted in yellow here for visualization. The big building is the middle school.

Easement corridor highlighted in yellow here for visualization. The big building is the middle school.

Images of two of the easement blocks.

Images of two of the easement blocks.

Isabela Harrington explains the proposal in more detail.


  • Public Safety

    • Reduce unsafe activity happening in the space by creating full visibility to the area.  

    • Reduce fire hazards by eliminating trash and knee-high weeds.

    • Safe bike and walk path for residents.

    • If the project continues onto other blocks of the easement, over time Middle School students can safely walk or ride to school via the path – with the added benefit of a reduction in vehicle traffic near the school premise.

  • Sustainability

    • Enhance paths for no or low carbon emissions mode of transport - walk/bike. 

    • Sustainable landscape with native plants and natural materials.

  • Beautification

    • Beautify our city by transforming an eyesore into a green corridor.

    • Improve desirability of the neighborhood and home values adjacent to the easement.

  • Health

    • Additional bike/walk path to get resident families active and healthier.

how to engage

We would like to hear your suggestions, comments and concerns. We want to partner with residents to make this an awesome project that we can all be proud of and see the clear benefits for our community. 

SPB is in the process of collecting support for the project and meeting 1:1 in a safe manner with residents who would like to learn more and discuss their thoughts/concerns. Please send us your thoughts by using the form below.